October 26, 2008


A few things you need to know about a day trip to Connecticut...

1. Minivans are cool. (Made popular by the Rockwoods in high school.)
2. (In my opinion, and in Kristin's) The Immaculate Collection by Madonna is the ultimate minivan music.
3. Driving in the city isn't as scary as it looks.
4. Fresh air is awesome.
5. Apples taste the freshest when you pick them off the tree yourself.
6. Eating an unwashed apple won't kill you.
7. Spending an hour looking for the perfect pumpkin and actually finding it is a very proud moment.
8. Backwards people exist all over the country. Two words: Mohawk mullet.
9. There's no limit to what the stomach can hold. (Apple pie, apple cider doughnut, cookies, pumpkin bread, possibly one rice krispy treat, oh and a sandwich. I don't even feel sick, only guilty.)
10. "Good friends are for life." (Molly is a fantastic driver, Kristin creates rock-on mixes, I sing loud and sooooo good, Laura brings funny stories, and Ashley packs yummy treats.)

Our sweet ride.

My proud moment.

Apple picken'.

The crew.


Recovering Perfectionist said...

seriously, kate, i just sort of imagine myself right there in the middle (well, maybe off behind in the distance! ha.) when you post all these pics from your most exciting adventures. you are seeing so many things that i'm hoping to experience one of these days! you just keep these posts coming. =) from an okie to some relocated texans, i have to say it... "happy fall, y'all"! =)

Kristin said...
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Kristin said...

Oh yes, the mohawk mullet was fantastic. As was throwing crap around in the back of the minivan.