Hi friends, sorry it has been a while since my last post. Since you've last seen me I have made it to Chinatown twice. The first time was during the wee hours of the morning where we karaoked in a very small, cash only, Tsing Tao serving Chinese bar, with several other strange Americans. I never expected Kristin and I would get so excited when the Dancing Queen and Garth Brooks's records came on. (Among many other horrible songs that we happily danced along to.) When' the last time you had "Hawaiian Punch", Asian beer and Funyuns???
The second time I went to Chinatown was one afternoon. I hopped on the B train and hopped off at Grand Ave, only to be knocked off my feet at the familiar smell of.... no one really knows. Although Chinatown was pretty disapointing (especially if you've actually been to China) they sure do have the smells correct. The small markets full of fresh fish, dried fish, herbs etc. really now how to make youurn the other way. Not to mention it is probably the only area in Manhattan that does not have a Starbucks on every corner.
Saturday was a lazy day, again spent in Central Park with 2/3 of Manhattan, catching up on gossip magazines and rehashing tales from the night before. The day ended with a picnic, watching the last summer movie shown on the big screen on the south side of the park. (Shown was August Rush, worth the rent.) Oh I forgot to mention that we almost ate 1 lb. of Cheez-Its. Thanks a lot KDub and Food Emporium.
I managed to visit my first tourist attraction this week as well: the Brooklyn Bridge.