August 31, 2010

celebrating TX in NY: part one

do not be fooled.

even though we live 2,000 miles away from the lone star state, we texans still know how to celebrate being southern. at the end of feburary we saluted texas' independence from mexico with pat green, eli young band, reckless kelly, and roger creager.

boots, yes. wranglers, yes. over sized belt buckles, yes. and several of these.

August 27, 2010

hi there. i'm back from my blogging hiatus! (ha, well for today at least. i don't want to make any false promises.)

lately i have been thinking a lot about how i have let down all five readers i probably have... and honestly, it really would be neat to have a record of how i have been spending my days. so i suppose that is where blogging comes in because i definitely have not been putting pen to paper.

so here goes my small attempt to get over my fear of being boring, or not being witty enough, or have dull conversation with myself and just write.

and seeing that my last post was from january, i hope you are looking forward to multiple posts recapping the months that have been skipped in between. (probably including explanation of the trolls above.)

stay tuned...